Guidance for In-person Services

We are continuing with a “hybrid” service, combining in-person worship with Zoom. As we continue to gather with those of you who feel ready to return, we are doing so with the necessary precautions and respect for one another, knowing that COVID-19 is still present.

With that in mind, we are continuing with caution as we follow state requirements and what we believe is best for us as a church. Here is what you can expect at our in-person worship as of January, 2023.

  • Masks are optional during Sunday worship. We will continue to have some available if you choose to wear one.

  • Children are welcome to worship with parents and we have a fully staffed multi-age Sunday school available. We also have an unattended “cry room” with the service piped in if families prefer.

  • The video feed of the Zoom service is projected on the front wall of the sanctuary.

We will continue to monitor official decisions on COVID and will keep you updated on adjustments to these practices. Increased vaccinations and lower infection rates have allowed us to return to more traditional in-person services while continuing to provide the worship-at-home opportunities that are meeting the needs of many members and friends.